Time ST, OT & DT

In the Sign Display Installation and Dismantling field, as well as in working class organizations such as unions generally, time is the obsession. One’s time as labor is the only thing that most of us have to bargain with. Time is money, and money is everything that the time allows one to do by way of livelihood as well as with dreams of improving one’s lot in life. There is never enough time or money.

So Thursday I worked eight hours straight time (ST) for Freeman. Then Friday I worked four hours straight time (ST) beginning at 1:00pm for Nth Degree. Then Saturday I worked for Nth Degree beginning at 8:00am four hours overtime (OT), that is time and one half, and one hour of double time (DT), that is one hour equaling two straight time hours, amounting to five hours work in all. And Monday morning at 8:00am I return to work at least four more hours straight time (ST) for Nth Degree. So from Thursday through Monday I’ve earned at least twenty-one hours equaling twenty-four hours of pay so far this week, and I still don’t know if it’s going to cover my rent.

To go in to work Monday morning tomorrow I had to cancel my appointment with my social worker Violeta. I’m hoping I can reschedule it.


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